Click on PAY ONLINE NOW tab available at the bottom of the instructions.
To login use admission number of your ward both as User Id and Password.
Enter your current password (ward’s admission. no.), New password and Confirm password then click on SAVE button. Immediately change your password.
Remember your User ID and Password.
Again Login with your User Id (ward’s admission no.) and New password.
Click on PAY FEE link on next page.
Select the month April or any number of months you want to pay and click on GET FEE.
Students Detail and fee details will be displayed.
Before Click on PAY NOW button Please check all the details of the student.
Select the desired option for fee payment i.e. Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
Click OK on pop-up message (If any)
After processing Fee Receipt will be generated.
Parents can print the receipt or can check the paid fee from PAID FEE link(available on top left of the webpage).
Logout the account from the link available on top right of the screen.
Note : *Please check the fee description carefully before payment.
Pay Online Now |